On the way to Germany had to taste one last American Micro Brew

One of San Diego's finest. I highly recommend any Pizza Port Beer, especially their IPA

This is by far the best cap I have ever seen. This is the top to a Santa Cruz ale house IPA.

One of the top 5 beers I have ever tasted. Found this beer on a road trip in Nor Cal at a roadside Mecca named Granzella's in Williams, CA.

Ratebeer.com gave Uberhoppy a perfect score, I give it an almost perfect score in my book. I have yet to find the perfect beer

Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Stout aka Fritz and Kens ALE brewed by Fritz Maytag (SF's Anchor Brewing Co. /Father of craft brew) in honor of Sierra's 30th year of successful Brewing. Congrats on a mighty fine celebration beer!

Bear Republic's Racer 5 IPA is definitely one of the most drinkable, and best tasting IPA's on the market